Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Your doing what Tomorrow?

I went out with my cousin before Christmas because I was tired of going out in my town. What I really mean is I'm looking to "date" people in other cities.

Dave lives in a different city So I thought it was a perfect opportunity to meet new people.

 I met the best group of girls through Dave, they are truly sweethearts. I also met Dude there.

 The first thing that caught my eye about this guy he was wearing Kswiss. I haven't seen anyone wearing Kswiss since 1998.

This is our first conversation:

Me: Nice Kswiss
Him: YA? I like Kswiss
Me: I haven't seen anyone wear those since 1998, are you wearing Polo and Tommy too?
Him: ......
His Friends: BWHAAAAAA Dude she got you. (BTW one of his friends looked like Chris Brown)
Him: What's your name?
Me: My name is don't think your eyes are prettier then mine because they are not.
Him: .......
Me: YA so I'm gonna go.
Him: Can I get your number?
Me: Sure.

 So we texted for a couple of days, he asked me if I wanted to go on date I said sure. Pretty classic first date dinner bowling watched a movie in his car. He did have a pretty sweet car. Kiss at the front door, all romantical and shit.

 Did I mention this was 2 weeks before Christmas? Because this a crucial part of the story.

So one day we were texting about nothing really day to day shit. When I ask If he wanted Santa to bring him anything for Christmas. I thought it was an innocent question. Turns out that is not what you ask a guy that you've only been on one date with because he will think you are crazy and trying to buy him things. I didn't even buy my own father something for Christmas....why the fuck would I buy this dude something. YOU ARE NOT THAT SPECIAL.

  I didn't find this out until later (thank you Chris Brown for explaining that to me).

 The week goes on we decide to hang out again on a Friday night in his hometown. He calls me at 5pm Friday actually it was a text because people can't call anyone anymore. He said his daughter is sick and he can't go out tonight. Fair enough.

I call up cousin Dave say hey whats the hap's tonight...ya all be down there soon. We go to the same place where I met dude at. Having a fucking blasty blast!! In walks Dude with Chris Brown.

2 HOURS pass finally he comes over to me. Because I am not the one to go to some dude and say I thought  your daughter was sick? He can dig his own grave which he did.
 The first words out of his mouth were I bet you don't think my daughter is sick. Dude I didn't say a word, but obviously you needed to get that off your chest. I just said its not my call to say she is or not. So we hashed shit out became best buds drank was merry. UNTIL it was time to head home, He drove me back to my cousins house. In the 30 minuets we were in the car, this is what happened.

 Him: I can't do this.
Me: Do what?
Him: Date you.
Me: OK..why?
Him: Because If we are already fighting then I can't do this.
Me: we are fighting?
Him: Yes
SILENCE for about 10.
he pulls up to my cousins house.
Me: So I guess this is it huh?
Him: YA I'm taking my daughter to Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow AND FORGETING YOU EVER EXISTED. Now get the fuck outta my car.

(wow that's harsh)

All becuase I asked him what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas.

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